Confession: I have a crush on The Oatmeal. He makes me laugh...every time! To know him is to love him! If you're in conversation with me, my eyes will inevitably brighten and I'll say, "It's like that Oatmeal cartoon! You know, the one where..."
The reason why I like him so much is the way he finds humour in daily situations. Also, he portrays himself as a pudgy, nondescript guy when he's actually quite handsome. He's coming to do a book signing in Toronto in 2 weeks and my best friend in the world kindly let me know. They're both THE. BEST.
All this is a relatively long-winded intro to the nature of this post: I'm plugging Food for the Hungry Canada in large part because I've just been named to their Board. It's a 3 year commitment, which means regular trips to Vancouver. Yes!
Of course, it's part of the somewhat obvious virtuous circle: I wouldn't have been named to their Board if I wasn't very willing to plug what they do, etc etc. My hope is the more I get to know them, the more I will love what they do and represent them well.
FH Canada, part of the global Food for the Hungry association, is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to ending poverty - one community at a time. We are currently working with 10 developing communities in 10 countries around the world. In order to eradicate poverty and create sustainability, FH Canada uses an integrated approach including projects in agriculture, education, health, leadership and gender equality in an effort to meet the physical, spiritual, social and educational needs of each man, woman and child living in poverty.
Here is where things get exciting! I'm off to Manila for leadership meetings with the World Evangelical Alliance next month. FH Canada has a 10 year commitment to the Navota community right in Manila. The president has consequently arranged for me to see the work on the ground. I'm thrilled to meet the national staff, better understand how things work and see the impact of the project on the entire community.
I'm really happy to be serving on this Board for the next 3 years!